The owner of this residence wanted to remodel and expand the kitchen. At the same time she wanted to consider the cost saving benefits of adding another room to the rear of the house. To best determine the feasibility of this option, we sketched a complete remodel scheme which included all of the options with the understanding that some portions would be removed from the bid list if cost should exceed the budget after we completeted more detailed planning and design studies.
March 29, 2001
(Name witheld for publication)
Austin, Texas
Re: Remodel of Residence
The owner has researched and designed several alternative floor plan layouts and requested assistance with establishing a plan of action regarding these alternatives. Because the owner has access and uses a computer aided design software program the owner will provide the final plans. The results of the consultation established the following basic priorities:
A. Remodeling and expansion of the kitchen is the area of greatest and most immediate concern with relocation of the utility room and water heater being implemented as part of the expansion.
B. Phase I expansion is a 12′ wide addition to the rear of the house involving an area approximately equal to the existing screened porch. The space is utilized by expanding one end of the kitchen, relocating the utility room appliances, addition of a multipurpose room and a bathroom or storage area depending on final decisions by the owner. The roof ridge is centered on the width of the new addition and extends to the existing roof ridge line. A beam/header is added at the portion of the wall that is removed at the kitchen area.

Development sketch plan done during on-site conference
D. The following comments combined with the plans and completion of the checklist by the owner should be sufficient for initial builder cost review.
The existing kitchen will require a complete removal of all cabinets, flooring and wall coverings. Portions of the subfloor have been water damaged and will require replacement.
Suggestion: It is suggested that the flooring in the existing bathroom be redone and refinished at the same time as the kitchen to take advantage of tradesmen who will present on the site. This can be a alternate bid item to be approved by the owner if desired. Replace all wall surfaces with new sheetrock and finishes according to owner specification (Owner will list the type of wall and floor finish desired). Install new counter tops, bottoms and upper cabinets. The basic plan is shown in the sketch plan with finishes and colors provided by the owner. Add new “garden window” unit to exterior as indicated on the plan. Location is at the edge of the joining of the new addition to the existing house.
Add electric outlets as needed to power the new appliances and add outlets along the counter top according to owner plans. Remove existing plumbing lines and replace with new lines to new fixtures. Add new gas lines to new gas range. Vent exhaust fan to outside. Remove existing hot water heater and install new water heater in new location.

Revised Plot Plan
Remove existing covered porch roof, ceiling and walls and dispose of waste materials. Build a new addition to the roof structure as shown on the plan. Consult with the owner regarding any need for reroofing of the existing roof. Add new roof covering and trim to match the existing house. Remove existing siding and trim up to the edge of the existing shingle siding. Add new trim and new siding with insulation to code. Owner will select type of siding but a “hardiplank” type is recommended in this application.
Pour new concrete slap foundation with appropriate steel reinforcement and perimeter beams per code for the area shown on the plan. Slope and drain the utility room to prevent flooding in case of leaks to appliances. Include a 4’x4′ concrete porch landing at rear door entry. This landing may be removed at a later date to accommodate a new screened porch.
Extend new a/c ducts to the new rooms. Consult with the owner regarding the installation of the existing a/c unit which was to be appropriately sized to accommodate the addition.
Update the connection from electrical main feed to house breaker box. Determine need for additional circuits to provide power to the addition and recommend any electrical circuit additions required.
While no final decisions have been made by the owner regarding Phase II design, it can be anticipated this will take place in the rear area (see site plan) therefore any plumbing, electrical or gas pipes or wires should avoid this area as much as possible unless the future addition will have no effect on them. Add 2 electrical outlets to outside back wall, install porch lights at door and provide for electrical box at new eave corners. Lights by owner installed at a later date. Wires currently going from the house to the garage may need to be rerouted through the new addition but will remain in basic configuration.

Final revised floor plan
Other than the new foundation, there is no site work included in this phase of the remodeling project except that all materials shall be removed from the premises and the area both inside and out should be restored and cleaned to its existing condition. All permits required shall be posted by the contractor according to code.
This report is intended to assist the owner and the contractor(s) to finalize cost estimates, establish size and type of addition and remodel general descriptions. It should not be used alone as a single instrument or as set of specifications for quality of work or final contract approval. The owner may use this information as necessary to make a final set of plans to be used in the estimation process and submitted to the contractor.
Increase the plan scale of the kitchen to 1/2″ = 1′-0″ and show measurements for each item and appliuance opening. Provide specifications or photos of your selected appliances, fixtures and colors. Indicate upper and lower cabinet types with notes. If possible provide a photo of the type of kitchen finishes and cabinets you desire.
Draw new floor plan at 1/4″ = 1′-0″ scale. Reduce to 1/8″ scale for printing purposes. Use dotted lines for roof lines. Show locations of light switches and electrical outlets. If you want to describe something in more detail than you can show in the plan, give it a letter or number and write a note that references that number. Transfer overall configurations to the site plan
Select wall and floor finishes for each room
(Get samples or describe to builder in writing)
Select new appliance, sinks and plumbing fixtures
(Get samples or photos or spec sheets)
Select countertop materials and colors
(Get samples)
Select floor material type and colors
(Get samples)
Gutters and downspouts?
Walkway from rear door to driveway?
(Do it yourself later is possible)
Impervious cover restrictions from city staff?
(Probably not an issue since the addition area is already covered)
Select the garden window
(Get photo or spec sheet)
Select lighting fixtures and ceiling fans
(Get photo or spec sheet)